School Of Information Technology

School of Information Technology

The School mainly focuses on the All-Round Personality Development of students and preparing them to meet the ever-changing technological and social challenges in their career with traditional self-discipline, hard work, and a creative approach to problem-solvin

The School thrives to make the ambitious students Industry-Ready by imparting High-End Technical Skills that will help them to get a bright career in the Information Technology sector and/or pursue their career in research. The Coursework is designed and upgraded continuously to maintain the standard and address the current industry needs and improvise students to have a better chance to gain a suitable job and have a successful career.


  • In the year 2000, the Department of Bachelor of Computer Science (B.Sc. CS ) was established to meet the demand for candidates with Graduation in Computer Science, to work in IT Industry.
  • The overwhelming growth of the Information Technology and demand for qualified candidates led to the introduction of the Department of Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) in the year 2001.
  • The Department of Master of Computer Applications (MCA) was instituted in the year 2008 to cater to the need of Experts in the field of Information Technology.
  • As the Information Technology industry required Commerce Graduates with Information System Management skills Department of B.Com. ISM was started in the year 2015.
  • Recognizing the growing demand for candidates with Big Data skills and increasing job opportunities for Data Analytics and Data Scientists, Department of B.Sc. Information Technology (B.Sc. IT) was introduced in the year 2018.
  • To arm the students with State-of-Art techniques and to transform them into experts in the field of Data Analytics the U.G Programme B.Sc. Data Analytics is being introduced this year 2021.
  • For educating the technicalities involved in Computer Applications and where and how to apply them in business a new U.G Programme B.Com. Computer Application is being begun this year 2021.

Salient Features

Updated Syllabus that meets the Industry Demand

  • The School of Information Technology offers Curriculums that are designed and upgraded continuously to maintain the standard and address the current industry needs and increase the chance for the student to get a suitable job in the competitive job market.
  • The Courseworks is designed such that the students acquire requisite knowledge in basic concepts and enhance their skills in Programming, Software Engineering, Project Management, Software Testing, Overall Personality development, etc.

Qualified and Experienced Teaching Staff

  • The School of IT has a good team of Experienced, Committed, and highly qualified staff with Ph.D./NET/SET. The faculty members are highly motivated to do ground-breaking research and excel in teaching and learning processes.
  • Staff members consistently publish scientific articles in reputed journals and attend conferences across the country. The faculty is well-versed in teaching and is also active in attending and conducting Faculty Development Programmes, seminars, workshops, and other skill development programs.

State of Art Infrastructure, Lab & Library

  • The School of Information Technology provides an ambiance for learning and acquiring new skills. The school has the infrastructure for training the students in the State-of-the-Art Curriculum.
  • The School has excellent infrastructure and high-end Labs (7 Computer Labs with Internet Connectivity) which are designed at par with Corporate Standards.
  • The School provides a student-centric learning environment with ICT-enabled smart classrooms, a Spacious Seminar hall with Multimedia LCD projectors, and Centralized Automated Digitalized Library.

On-campus training / Workshops & Seminars are given by the Industry experts

  • The School and its constituent departments periodically organize various seminars, workshops, Value Added Programmes, and collaborative programs for students and faculty, with various renowned organizations like CTS, Saint Gobain, CSS Corp, IBM, Oracle, CISCO, Amazon, ICT Academy, etc.
  • Hands-on Training will be provided by Experienced Faculties from SAS in the areas such as Programming for Analytics, Big Data Management, Applied Statistics and Time Series Modelling, Applied Data Mining and Machine Learning, Optimization, and Text analytics.

International Certifications

  • The School of Information Technology offers Job Readiness Programs and training for International Certifications in Current Technologies by collaborating with institutions like SAS, Salesforce and being a member in Professional bodies like Amazon Web Services, Oracle Academy, and ICT Academy (An Initiative of Government of India, State Government, and Industry).

MOUs with IT Industries to facilitate training

  • Memorandum of Agreement (MOU) signed with Statistical Analysis System (SAS) and Europe India Foundation of Excellence (EIFE) for SAS Integrated curriculum with Hands-on Training in SAS Environment for aiding students to excel in Data Analytics.
  • The School also has MoUs with companies like Bizplus Services, GS Technologies Pvt Ltd for Internship, On-the-Job Training, and Project Work.
  • Training in requisite skills is provided to the students through Skill Development programs that are organized by external agencies like ICT Academy, MSME, Tamil Nadu skill Development Corporation. Students are sent to corporates for summer internships to work on live projects. This enables them to enrich their knowledge in the growing technical trends in the software industry. We make our students industry-ready, which helps them to face the competitive world.


  • As a part of the curriculum, Internship and Project is Mandatory for the students of School IT
  • The School offers a 'cafeteria' approach to choose any Interdisciplinary Elective Course offered by other departments to widen the student’s knowledge in interdisciplinary courses.
  • Yearly Industrial Visits are arranged to improve industry interface and to provide exposure to students about the practical working environment.
  • Intercollegiate Technical symposiums are conducted periodically that can help the students to find their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Our students are extremely talented and have won several laurels and championships in various competitions and events across the states.
  • The School of IT provides ample opportunities and encouragement to its students to participate in various sports and other co-curricular activities. This aids them to develop a well-balanced personality.

Activities of School IT

The school of IT has taken initiatives to develop in-house software for the administrative purposes. The staff members of IT have contributed in the areas of E governance, skill development etc.

Dean / Chairperson

Ms. S. Nirmala Devi
MCA, M.Phil., SET


Dr. R. Anand
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Chairperson (Board of Studies)


To impart essential knowledge in Information technology to the students, and enhance their ability to apply the knowledge gained and be successful in their professional and social life, contribute to their progress and thereby get involved in the upliftment of the society.


  • Equip the students with global technological skills in Information Technology, that enhance them to be innovative, have lateral thinking, and good at problem-solving.
  • Increase Industry - Institute Interaction to enlighten the students about the required skills to be successful in their careers.
  • Train and develop the students as IT Professionals with Confidence, Competence, Commitment, and Character.


The objective of the School of Information Technology of Guru Nanak College is to educate and enlighten students in the various IT-related courses, by providing appropriate teaching and learning environment. The Programs offered under the School of Information Technology focus on providing knowledge that makes the students ready to work in the Information Technology industry. For this, the students are given balanced knowledge in vital expanses like Programming Languages, Database Management Systems, Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Software Testing, IDEs, and Tools.


Bachelor of Computer Applications – BCA

  • PO 1: Understand the concepts of key areas in computer Applications.
  • PO 2: Analyze and apply latest technologies to solve problems in the areas of computer applications.
  • PO 3: Analyze and synthesis computing systems through quantitative and qualitative techniques.
  • PO 4: Apply technical and professional skills to excel in business.
  • PO 5: Communicate effectively in both verbal and written form.
  • PO 6: Develop practical skills to provide solutions to industry, society and business.

B.Sc. Computer Science

  • PO 1: Implement knowledge of computing fundamentals, computing specialization and domain knowledge for the abstraction and conceptualization of computing models.
  • PO 2: Identify and Analyze user needs and use them in the selection, creation of high-level reliable software systems.
  • PO 3: Use the techniques, skills and modern hardware and software tools necessary for innovative software solutions.
  • PO 4: Employ essential IT support skills gained to install, configure, secure and ability to do preliminary Troubleshooting.
  • PO 5: Collaborate effectively with teams to accomplish shared computing design, evaluation, or implementation goals.

B.Com. (Information Systems Management)

  • PO 1: After completing graduation, students can get skills regarding various aspects like Marketing Manager, Selling Manager, Finance Manager, HR Manager, and Project Manager and over all Administration abilities of a Company.
  • PO 2: Capability of the students to make decisions at personal & professional level will increase after completion of this course.
  • PO 3: Students can independently start up their own business.
  • PO 4: Students can get thorough knowledge of finance, commerce and computer programming languages.
  • PO 5: The knowledge of different specializations in accounting, costing, systems and finance with the practical exposure helps the students to stand in organization.

B.Sc. Information Technology

  • PO 1: Develop appropriate skill set, analytical abilities, and construct computer-based solutions for real life problems.
  • PO 2: Solve problems in Big Data Concepts by Evaluating current real-world scenarios and use appropriate techniques.
  • PO 3: Employ techniques, skills, and modern hardware and software tools necessary for Information technology.
  • PO 4: Explain effectively in a variety of concepts pertaining to Information Technology and Big Data.
  • PO 5: Produce results to assigned problems in a given situation by Collaborating with team members of the team at various levels


Master of Computer Applications – MCA

  • PO 1: Identify, formulate and Analyse the current real-world requirements of Clients and handle the constraints and challenges in Software Development and Construct the Software efficiently.
  • PO 2: Implement knowledge gained in Information Technology to find and propose the solution for Novel Real-world problems that dynamically change in an efficient manner.
  • PO 3: Design appropriate architecture and build Applications that meet the requirements of the Clients as expected by them.
  • PO 4: Employ apt tools and Integrated Development Environments efficiently and accordingly learn and apply new techniques and tools for the software development.
  • PO 5: Implement ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of Software Development practices and work effectively as an individual, at different levels in diverse teams


  • BCA
  • B.Sc. Computer Science
  • B.Com. Information System Management
  • B.Sc. Information Technology
  • B.Sc. Data Analytics
  • B.Com. Computer Application


Staff Accomplishments

Dr. V. Devi, Associate Professor & Head of B.Com. Computer Application is granted Patent Titled as "An IOT Based System for Security and Door Access Control”, Patent Number 2021100346. Patent Approved by Certificate of Grant Innovation Patent from Australian Government

Ms. D. Megala Patent Titled as "Enhanced Approach For Prediction Of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Classifier" in 2021.

Dr. R. Rajini Surendranath, Ms. M. Lavanya and Ms. K. Gowri, published the book “Value Education”.

Dr. R. Rajini Surendranath, Ms. K. Gowri and Dr. A. Sasi Kumar published the book and “Visual Programming”.

Dr. J. Vanathi, Head & Mr. J. Ravishankar Assistant Professor Department of Information Technology, have jointly published a book “Python Programming made Easy”.

Dr. Subash Chandra Bose Patent Titled as "Intelligent System & Method for Recognizing Fake Speech Using Artificial Intelligence" as Innovation Patent in 2021.

Student Accomplishments

S. Jayakumar of III B.Sc. (IT), has developed a user-friendly app for Admission related queries.


Ms. K. Raviya

Ms. K. Raviya
M.C.A., M.Phil., SET

Associate Professor & Head in-charge
Dr. G. Kiruthiga

Dr. G. Kiruthiga
M.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Ms. I. Preethi

Ms. I. Preethi
M.Sc.(IT)., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Mrs. J. Helen Arockia Selvi

Mrs. J. Helen Arockia Selvi
MCA., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Mr. M. Sivasubramaniyan

Mr. M. Sivasubramaniyan
M.Sc., M.Phil., MCA., M.Phil., B.Ed.

Assistant Professor
Mr. M. T. Raghuraman

Mr. M. T. Raghuraman
MCA., M.Phil., B.Ed.

Assistant Professor
Dr. Agiladevi Pugalendhi

Dr. Agiladevi Pugalendhi
M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Dr. C. Radha

Dr. C. Radha
MCA, M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Dr. Ramya Devi R

Dr. Ramya Devi R
MCA, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Ms. S. Sree Priya

Ms. S. Sree Priya
M.Sc., M.Tech., M.Phil., (Ph. D.)

Assistant Professor
Mr. S. Govindarajan

Mr. S. Govindarajan
M.Sc., M.Phil., SET., NET

Assistant Professor
Ms. A. Arul Oli

Ms. A. Arul Oli
B.Tech., M.E., M.B.A, (Ph.D.)

Assistant Professor
Ms. J. Vijayalakshmi

Ms. J. Vijayalakshmi
MCA, M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Ms. J. Jenifer Glory Suganthi

Ms. J. Jenifer Glory Suganthi

Assistant Professor
Dr. Papitha Christobel

Dr. Papitha Christobel
MCA., M.Phil., Ph. D.

Assistant Professor

B.Sc. Computer Science

Dr. R. Rajini Surendranath

Dr. R. Rajini Surendranath
MCA, M.Phil, PhD.

Associate Professor & Head
Ms. S. Jeyalakshmi

Ms. S. Jeyalakshmi
M.Sc., M. Phil., SET

Associate Professor
Ms. G. Vijayalakshmi Balaji

Ms. G. Vijayalakshmi Balaji
M.Sc., M.Phil

Assistant Professor
Ms. R. Ramya

Ms. R. Ramya
M.Sc., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Ms. G. Preetha

Ms. G. Preetha
M.Sc., M.Phil., SET

Assistant Professor
Mrs. M. Lavanya

Mrs. M. Lavanya
MCA., B.Ed., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Ms. P. Malathi

Ms. P. Malathi
M.C.A., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Ms. H. Sujatha

Ms. H. Sujatha
M.C.A., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Mrs. K. Gowri

Mrs. K. Gowri
M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil., SET

Assistant Professor
Mr. S. Ubaidulla

Mr. S. Ubaidulla

Assistant Professor
Ms. F. Regina Ananthi

Ms. F. Regina Ananthi
MSc., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Ms R. Akila

Ms R. Akila
MCA., M.Phil., MBA

Assistant Professor
Mrs. M. S. Jayaprabha

Mrs. M. S. Jayaprabha
M.Sc., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor

B.Sc. Data Analytics

Dr. R. Anand

Dr. R. Anand
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Head
Dr. K. Nalini

Dr. K. Nalini
MCA., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

B.Sc. Information Technology (IT)

Dr. J. Vanathi

Dr. J. Vanathi
M.C.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., SET

Assistant Professor & Head , Deputy Dean(Academics)
Mr. T. Ravishankar

Mr. T. Ravishankar
M.Sc., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Dr. S. Subash Chandra Bose

Dr. S. Subash Chandra Bose
B.Sc. (Physics)., MCA., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Ms. G. Lalitha

Ms. G. Lalitha
M.C.A., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Ms. V. Chellathai

Ms. V. Chellathai
M.Sc., M.Phil.

Associate Professor

B.Com. Information System Management (ISM)

Ms. R. Caroline Kalaiselvi

Ms. R. Caroline Kalaiselvi
MCA., M.Phil., M.Tech. (IT)., SET

Associate Professor & Head
Dr. Sheeba M

Dr. Sheeba M
M.Ed., M.Com., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Ms. Lakshmi. G

Ms. Lakshmi. G
M.Sc., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Ms. K. Hemamalini

Ms. K. Hemamalini
M.A., M.B.A., M.Phil.

Assistant Professor
Ms. D. Megala

Ms. D. Megala

Assistant Professor


Ms. S. Nirmala Devi

Ms. S. Nirmala Devi
MCA, M.Phil., SET

Associate Professor & Head, Dean – School of IT
Dr. P. V.  Kumaraguru

Dr. P. V. Kumaraguru
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor &COE
Dr. R. Anand

Dr. R. Anand
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Dean - Skill Development
Mr. P. Christy Jeyakumar

Mr. P. Christy Jeyakumar
M.C.A., M.Phil.

Associate Professor & Head - IMS
Mr. V.K. Anand

Mr. V.K. Anand
M.C.A., M.Phil., SET

Associate Professor
Ms. K. Jayabharathi

Ms. K. Jayabharathi
M.Sc., M.Phil., SET

Assistant Professor

B.Com. Computer Application

Dr. V. Devi

Dr. V. Devi
M.C.A., M.B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.

Associate Professor & Head


Department of Computer Science

Month & Year Title of the Book / Chapter
Jan-2021 Value Education- Charulatha Publications, Chennai. ISBN No. 978-90614-33-2. Dr. R. Rajini Surendranath, Mrs. M. Lavanya, Mrs. K. Gowri
Jan-2021 Visual Programming - Charulatha Publications, Chennai. ISBN No. 978-9390614-38-7. Dr. R. Rajini Surendranath, Mrs. K.Gowri, Dr. A. Sasi Kumar

Department of Computer Application

Month & Year Title of the Book / Chapter
Dec-2018 Dhoomil ka Kaavya Samagra: Prasangigta ke Vividh Sandarbh. Sahitya Ratnakar. ISBN No. 978-93-86784-11-7. Dr. Dolly
Jun-2015 Computing Skills- Scitech Publications – All Chapters. ISBN No. 978-81-83714-63-1 Dr. V. Devi

Department of Information System Management

Month & Year Title of the Book / Chapter
Dec-2020 Managerial Economics, for MBA First Semester VTU. ISBN: 978-93-89516-50-0. Thakur Publication Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore. Dr. Anuradha

Department of Information Technology

Month & Year Title of the Book / Chapter
Mar-2021 Book Chapter – Implication of IOT in Public Projects. “Self-defence Alarm Fortification Embedded (SAFE) Jewellery for Womanhood - An IoT Enabled Smart Gadget”. Published by Academic Province. Vol. 1, Issue 1. Dr. J. Vanathi
2020 Python Programming Made Easy. ISBN No. 978-81-943449-7-1 Dr. J. Vanathi, T. Ravishankar

Association Activities

Build Your First Android App

Date: May 12, 2022
Department: Department of Information Technology Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 70

Association Inauguration “G-IT HUB”: Resource Person Mrs G Sri Pradha, Sr. Software Architect, Tevel Cyber Corps with Dr M G Ragunathan (Principal), Dr N C Rajashree (Vice Principal), Dr Savitri (Dean Academics), Dr Kumaraguru (COE), Dr Nirmala Devi (Dean IT) and staff members of IT Department

Felicitation to the Resource Person Mrs G Sri Pradha by Dr Nirmala Devi, Dean IT

Mrs G Sri Pradha started the session interestingly with an introduction about mobile Applications and how they can easily be incorporated in the mobile phones. The resource person explained the types of Mobile Apps. She also highlighted the programming languages for different platforms. The features of Android and Mobile Architecture were clearly explained to the students. She made the session more interactive by developing an App and also explained how to publish it in Play store and App store. Finally, she conducted Quiz on Android and made the session more interesting

Mrs G Sri Pradha started the session interestingly with an introduction about mobile Applications and how they can easily be incorporated in the mobile phones. The resource person explained the types of Mobile Apps. She also highlighted the programming languages for different platforms. The features of Android and Mobile Architecture were clearly explained to the students. She made the session more interactive by developing an App and also explained how to publish it in Play store and App store. Finally, she conducted Quiz on Android and made the session more interesting

Induction of New Office Bearers of "G-IT HUB" Association

International Career Awareness (Inauguration cum Workshop)

Date: May 11, 2022
Department: Department of Information System Management Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 70

Felicitation to the Chief Guest, Ms G Suganya Reddy, CEO of i2i Skills Training Academy by the Dr Caroline Kalaiselvi, Head, Dept. of ISM

Presentation of the Badges to the Office bearers of the INTEL(ISM)ART Association by the Resource Person, Ms G Suganya Reddy

Presentation of the Badges to the Office bearers of the INTEL(ISM)ART Association by the Resource Person, Ms G Suganya Reddy

Presentation of the Badges to the Office bearers of the INTEL(ISM)ART Association by the Resource Person, Ms G Suganya Reddy

The Resource Person, MS G Suganya Reddy, addressed the students on the free education opportunities in abroad and also highlighted on skills required to pursue studies abroad

INTEL(ISM)ART – Association inauguration cum Workshop on International Career Awareness”: Resource Person, Ms G Suganya Reddy, CEO of i2i Skills Training Academy with the student office bearers and staff members of ISM Department


Date: May 6, 2022
Department: Department of Master of Computer Application Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 60

Intradepartmental Talent Search – TALENT SUCHE: The Resource Person, Mr Karthik Pazhanivel, Project Manager, CSS Corp with Dr M G Ragunathan, Principal and Staff members of MCA department

Dr M G Ragunathan, Principal addresses the gathering

Felicitation to the Resource Person: Karthik Pazhanivel, Project Manager, CSS Corp by Dr Nirmala Devi, Dean IT, Head Dept. of MCA

Mr Karthik Palanivel, Alumni (2011 Batch), Chief Guest of the event shared his work experience and industrial expectation through an interactive session

Mr Karthik Palanivel, Alumni (2011 Batch), Chief Guest of the event shared his work experience and industrial expectation through an interactive session

Interactive Session

Student performance in various events like AUCTION, CONNECTIONS, TECH LAUNCH

Student performance in various events like AUCTION, CONNECTIONS, TECH LAUNCH

Student performance in various events like AUCTION, CONNECTIONS, TECH LAUNCH

Student performance in various events like AUCTION, CONNECTIONS, TECH LAUNCH

Distribution of Prizes to the winners of Individual Event and Overall trophy to the winners of the TALENT SUCHE

Distribution of Prizes to the winners of Individual Event and Overall trophy to the winners of the TALENT SUCHE

Distribution of Prizes to the winners of Individual Event and Overall trophy to the winners of the TALENT SUCHE

Distribution of Prizes to the winners of Individual Event and Overall trophy to the winners of the TALENT SUCHE

Staff members and students of MCA Department with Mr Karthik Pazhanivel, Resource Person & Alumni of GNC at the Interdepartmental Talent Search Event

Department of Data Analytics DATUM-2022

Date:April 29, 2022
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:68

  1. Mr. Andrews Susairaj, Chief Engineering Manager, Common Wealth, Bank of Australia was the Chief Guest & Resource Person and distributed the badges to the Office Bearers of the Association Datum-2022
  2. Key note address by Ms. Nirmala Devi, Dean, School of Information Technology
  3. Special address was delivered by Dr P V Kumaraguru, COE
  4. Dr R Anand, Head, Dept. of Data Analytics introduce the Chief guest to the gathering

Department Association “IGNITE 2022”

Date:April 18, 2022
Department:Department of Master of Computer Application
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:130

Association “ZoomSpark”-2022 Inauguration & Hands on Training -Tally

Date:April 11, 2022
Department:Department of B. Com (Computer Applications)
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:68

Department Association InfinIT-2022 Inauguration

Date:March 29, 2022
Department:The Department of Computer Science
Chief Guest:Dr. M. G. Ragunathan, Principal
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:111

Freshers Day 2021

22nd November 2021
No. of Participants: 200
Chief Guest: Mr Isaac Adaikaladoss, Global Head Talent Development Business Group, Tata Consultancy Services

Seminars / Conferences / Symposium

Technology for Enhancing Quality of Life

Date:March 29, 2022
Department:The Department of Computer Science
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:178

Data Engineering for Beginners

Date:March 22, 2022
Department:The Department of BCA
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:161

Workshops / Hands on Training / Training Programme

Hands-on Training on Accounting Package – Tally

Date:March 11, 2022
Department:The Department of BCA
Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries:163

Professional Development Programmes

Shaping Data Science Curriculum

Date:June 11-17, 2021
Department:The Department of Data Analytics

Industrial Visit

Two Days Industrial Visit on Regional Meteorological Centre – Experiential Learning

Department of Information Technology

Date:April 27 & 29, 2022

Number of Participants/ Beneficiaries: 92

Students from II B.Sc. and III B.Sc. along with the faculty members of Information Technology department visited the Regional Meteorological Centre as a part of Experiential Learning. Students gained an in-depth knowledge about the IMD’s service to the nation. Dr Geetha, Scientist and Mr Senthilvel, Staff of IMD briefed the students about the establishment of IMD, 6 regional offices of IMD, application of statistical methods, numerical prediction techniques, forecast requirements, responsibilities of RMC, observatory networks and IMD’s Services to the Nation. After the presentation the staff and students were taken around the centre and the equipment for weather recording was explained by the IMD Staff


Department of BCA

Month & Year Title of the Paper
Ms. K. Raviya
Oct-2020 Aspect-based sentiment analysis using hybrid CNN-SVM with particle swarm optimization for domain independent datasets. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 7014-7023 (Scopus)
Jun-2020 A hybrid deep learning approach for sentiment analysis using CNN and improved SVM with multi objective swarm optimization for domain independent dataset. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 3200-3206 (Scopus)
Mar-2020 A survey on sentiment analysis tasks, approaches and applications. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking. Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 1510-1520 (Web of Science-emerging Sources citation)
Nov-2019 A novel deep learning based sentiment analysis of movie review using hybrid CNN_SVM algorithm. in International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN 2277-3878, Volume 8, Issue-4 (Scopus)
Dec-2018 CNN based framework for intelligent multimodal sentiment analysis. International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering (IJMTE) UGC Approved Journal No. 2249 7455, Volume 8, Issue XII, Page No: 5333-5337.(UGC APPROVED)
Mar-2018 A sentiment mining approach to big data analytics – comparison study. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (IJAERD) – Volume 5 – Issue 03.(UGC APPROVED)
Dr. V. Devi
Feb-2021 IoT based stir casting system of aluminium MMC. Elsevier: Materials Today Proceedings. ISSN 2214-7853
Oct-2020 Non- radiating edges gap coupied micro strip antenna for wireless body area communications. International Journal on Advanced Science and Technology. Issue, ISSN: 2005-4238. Scopus Indexed
Jun-2020 Distributed denial of service detection and mitigation solutions in software defined radio networks. Research Journal of Xidian University) ISSN No. 1001-2400. Scopus Indexed
Jun-2020 Testing anti-collision algorithm for tracking purpose using RFID in IOT technology. International Research Journal of Critical Reviews, Issue, ISSN : 2394-5125, Scopus Indexed
Dec-2018 Detection of linear structures in mammogram. International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering, Volume 8, Issue XII, Pg. No. 5367-5372, ISSN No.: 2249-7455 UGC Care List
Nov-2018 An improved dual clustering method for classification of micro array image segmentation. International Journal on Recent Technology and Engineering, Vol (8), Scopus Index
Oct-2018 Development of brain computer interface using neural networks. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. Article No. RJPT-6114. ISSN 0974-360X (Online)
Jun-2018 Optimization of fussy image pattern matching using genetic algorithm. ISSN 227-524X
Jan-2018 A genetic algorithm approach for global routing of VLSI circuits. ISSN 227-524X, Scopus Indexed
Jul-2017 Computational analysis of microarray image. International Journal of Advance Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, ISSN 1943-023X, Volume 9, No.5. [Scopus Index Journal]
Jun-2017 Genetic algorithm based dual intensified image registration. GNJMDR, ISSN 2277-1409
Dec-2014 Microarray data analysis using marked sequential backward selection. International Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN 2321-919X Volume II, Issue XIII
Sep-2014 Efficient K-mean clustering with greedy algorithm for minimum gene set identification in microarray data. International Journal of Science and Technology, ISSN 2321-919X Volume II, Issue IX
Jun-2012 A dynamic data mining for a supervised network model in the area of health sector. GNJMDR. ISSN 2277-1409 Volume I.No.1.
Dec-2012 Applications of knowledge discovery data mining techniques in the field of medicine. GNJMDR, ISSN 2277-1409 Volume I (2)
G. Kiruthiga
Feb-2020 Multi-objective task scheduling using chaotic quantum-behaved Chicken Swarm Optimization (CQCSO) in cloud computing environment. Data Engineering and Communication Networking - Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks - Proceedings of ICECMSN 2020, Springer, vol. 53, pp. XV, 947, 2021. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-5258-8 (Springer Lecture Notes) (Scopus Indexed)
Jun-2020 Bio inspired optimization algorithms for scheduling task in cloud environment: Review. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 666 – 674, ISSN: 2233-7857, 2020. (WOS)
Aug-2019 An enriched chaotic quantum whale optimization algorithm based job scheduling in cloud computing environment. International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1753-1760, 2019. DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2019/105842019. (Scopus Indexed)
Feb-2018 Cost based server selection using clustering approach. International Journal of Management Technology and Engineering (IJMTE), Vol. 8, No. XII, pp. 5391-5395,2018, ISSN No. 2249-7455.
Mar-2018 A survey on data integrity issues and solutions: Dynamic data storage on cloud servers. International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development, Vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1125-1129, 2018. (UGC)
Ms. I. Preethi
Sep-2015 Privacy preserving web search based on user history, IJSTRE, ISSN No. 2347 - 4718
Mar-2020 Prediction of chronic disease using classification techniques, Parishodh Journal, ISSN No. 2347-6648
Dec-2020 Diagnosis of chronic disease in a predictive model using machine learning algorithm, IEEE Xplore, ISBN: 978-1-7281-7213-2
Mrs. J. Helen Arockia Selvi
Jan-2020 A Review on secured mode of medical image storage in cloud , IJERT Publisher, ISSN 2278-0181
Mr. M. T. Raghuraman
Jun-2019 Discrimination efficiency identification for human thyroid disorder blood. Discovery and prediction using machine learning algorithms. Volume 6, Issue 6, Cikitusi Journal for Multidisciplinary Research. ISSN No: 0975-6876
Jun-2019 Efficient thyroid disease prediction and comparative study using machine learning algorithms, International Journal of Information and Computing Science, ISSN No: 0972-1347
Ms. Agiladevi Pugalendhi
2019 Parenthood hardships: Impact of parenting in relation to work life balance & organizational Sustainability of working women, IT and IT's in Chennai
2019 A study on RB enrichment and organizational culture among the Job Holders in IT sector with special reference to SEZ Chennai
Ms. C. Radha
Sep-2019 Prediction and diagnosis of dravet syndrome data set for myoclone disease, International Journal Recent Technology and Engineering. Scopus index, ISSN: 2277-3878.
Sep-2019 Data mining and extension of apriori algorithm, A Journal of Composition theory. Multidisciplinary Research journal, ISSN: 0731-6755.
Oct-2019 Association analysis and rule mining for efficient mycoclonic disease prediction. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Scopus index.
Ms. Ramya Devi R
Jun-2019 Analysis of breast thermograms using asymmetry in infra-mammary curves. Journal of Medical Systems, Springer Nature, Vol. 43. Issue no. 6. pp. 1-9, ISSN: 0148-5598
Sep-2018 Recent trends in medical imaging modalities and challenges for diagnosing breast cancer. Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal, Vol. 11. Issue no. 3. pp. 1649-1658, ISSN: 0974-6242
Jan-2016 Ideal sampling rate to reduce distortion in audio steganography. Elsevier B.V. under Procedia Computer Science journal, Vol. 85, pp. 418 – 424, ISSN: 1877-0509
Nov-2015 Impact of filters in disambiguation generated through audio steganography. Research India Publications, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10. Issue no. 85, ISSN: 0973-4562
Mar-2018 Survey on the detection of breast tumour by thermography. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Tech (IJRASET), Vol. 6. Issue No. 3, ISSN 2321-9653
Ms. S. Sreepriya
Feb-2018 Smart Health Care: magnificent research exploration with comparative study of predicting and preventing heart diseases using big data techniques. ISBN No : 978-93-87102-67-5
Jun-2017 Big Data Applications, Challenges and Opportunities with Smart Cities: A Review” in the GNJMDR Guru Nanak Journal of Multi-Disciplinary research (A Bi-annual publication of Guru Nanak College), Volume.4. No.1, ISSN:2277 – 1409
Dr. Dolly
Dec-16 Kavitray aur dhoomil ka naitik evam moolya vightan sandarbh, Shodh Sindhu/ ISSN:24545902
Jan-Mar-2018 'Chinta' ki prateekatmakta aur Bhaashik Soundarya/ Sankalya/ ISSN:22779264
Jan-Jun-2020 Jeevant sansmarno ke chitere:Dr.Balshauri Reddy/ Sankalya/ ISSN:22779264

Department of Computer Science

Month & Year Title of the Paper
Dr. R. Rajini Surendranath
Jan-2020 An analysis on deployment of unified communication with QoS using cloud services. International Journal of Business Management and Research. ISSN No. 2249-6920
Jun-2018 The study and analysis of marginalized solution for enhancing QoS in UC deployment in enterprises using NTMS (Network Traffic Management System) Tool. Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems. 1943-023X (Scopus). R. Rajini & Dr. A. Kovalan
Oct-2015 A survey on unified communication. Elysium Journal of Engineering Research and Management. 2347-4408. R. Rajini & Dr. A. Kovalan
Jun-2016 Enhancing quality of service in unified communications using dynamic codecs. International Journal of Communication and Networking System. 2278-2427. R. Rajini, Dr. P. V. Kumaraguru & Dr. A. Kovalan
S. Jeyalakshmi
Sep-2020 An effective approach to feature extraction for classification of plant diseases using machine learning. Indian Journal of Science and Technology 13(32): 3295-3314.
Dec-2019 A novel approach to segment leaf region from plant leaf image using automatic enhanced grab cut algorithm”, 8(11), Compusoft, An International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology. PP. 3485-3493. (Scopus Indexed)
May-2017 A Review on diagnosis of nutrient deficiency symptoms in plant leaf image using digital image processing. ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing, An International Publication of ICT Academy. Volume: 7, Issue: 4 pp. 1515-1524 DOI. 10.21917/ijivp.2017.0216
G. Vijayalakshmi Balaji
Mar-2016 Significant of big data in various fields- ISSN-0973-9157, E-ISSN-2393-9249- Volume - 9, Issue - 3
Ms. R. Ramya
Sep-2016 Analytical study on conformance checking in terms of fitness and Behavioral appropriateness in control flow sequence pattern using Process mining algorithms, International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology (SCOPUS), ISSN. 0975-766X,Page No. 18572-18582
Aug-2016 Fitness analysis of process model considering Control flow sequence pattern, Ciencia e Tecnica, Portugal - Science Citation Index Expanded (ISI Thomson Reuters), ISSN:0254-0223 Vol. 31 (n. 8)
Apr-2016 A study on complexity analysis of process flow model using process mining metrics, Journal of Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, GR Publications, Vol(2),Issue-1, Pages 180 - 185
Oct-2015 Measurement of fitness in process Model considering precision metrics Journal of Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Technology, GR Publications, Vol(1) Issue(3), Pages 134 – 137

Department of Information Technology

Month & Year Title of the Paper
Dr. J. Vanathi
May-2020 An IoT empowered m-commerce application framework for hassle-free B2C Transaction, International Journal of Advanced Science & Technology , Vol 29 , No 8s, pp 2123-2129.
Apr-2020 Break the chain: A proposed ai powered mobile application framework to handle COVID-19 Pandemic, Alochana Chakra Journal , ISSN No: 2231-3990 , Volume IX, Issue IV
Sep-2018 IoT security and privacy challenges: A study on enhanced privacy identification (EPID) - Standard based end to end IoT solution , International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) , E-ISSN 2348-1269, Volume 5 , Issue 3.
Oct-2018 A proposal of decentralized and distributed blockchain secured educational network for higher education. International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing, IJCSMC, Vol. 7, Issue. 10, ISSN 2320–088X
Nov-2015 Contribution for the development of women's education by media international Journal of educational administration. 0976-5883 , Volume 7, Issue I, RIP
Jun-2015 E-learning in cloud computing, IJCSE Volume -5 Issue –1. Journal of GBS publication.
Sep-2014 A study on cybercrimes in digital world. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication. 2, 9. 2746 - 2749.
Ms. P. Pansy Ebina
May-2020 An IoT empowered m-commerce application framework for hassle-free b2c transaction, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(8s), 3543-3549
Dr. S. Subash Chandra Bose
Jul-2020 Design of ensemble classifier using statistical gradient and dynamic weight log it boost for malicious tumor detection “Journal of Ambient intelligence and Humanized computing. (Springer : scie indexed ), ISSN: 1868-5137
Sep-2019 Aggregate linear discriminate analyzed feature extraction and ensemble of bootstrap with KNN classifier for malicious tumor detection. (Scopus indexed). International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-3
Jun-2019 Performance analysis of hybrid and ensemble techniques for efficient malicious tumor detection”, international journal for research in engineering application & management, Vol.5, Issue 3. (IJREAM UGC Approved)
May-2018 Hybrid support vector machine based Markov clustering for tumor detection from biomolecular data. in the journal of ARPN (ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Science) VOL.13, No.9 3271-3279, ISSN 1819-6608. (UGC Scopus Indexed)
Jul-2018 Deep learning extraction with ensemble spectral cluster and Gaussian mixture for malicious tumor detection. in IJSC (International journal of soft computing) VOL.08, Issue: 04, 1750-1757, ISSN: 2229-6956. (ICTACT UGC approved)
Jul-2018 Pragmatic comparison of single clustering with ensemble techniques for efficient malicious tumor detection. IJSRCSAMS (International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies) Volume 7, Issue 4, ISSN: 2319 – 1953. (UGC Approved)

Department of Information System Management

Month & Year Title of the Paper
Ms. R. Caroline Kalaiselvi
Feb-2021 Custom - Aes: A novel framework to enhance data security in cloud environment. IJFGCN
Oct-2020 An analysis of AES, RSA and blowfish - A review. IJAEMA. 0886-9367
Oct-2020 An enhanced crypto algorithm for secure data storage using Aes algorithm. IJETER. 2347 -3983
Dec-2018 A detailed study on various modified advanced encryption standard algorithms. IJAMTES. 2249-7455
Apr-2018 Remote software update in trusted connection of long range IoT networking integrated with versatile edge cloud. International Journal of Engineering and Technology. 2227-524X
Ms. Sheeba M
Aug-2019 Influence of HR practices on organisational performance. International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary field, C.M Pattel, ISSN: 2455 - 0620
Dec-2019 Influence of human resource practices on supply chain performance of automobile firms in Chennai, The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. ISSN: 0193-4120
Mar-2020 Creative methods of recruitment in attracting human talent, UGC care, ISSN:2394-3114
Mar-2020 Influence of HR practices on employee engagement in automobile firms in Chennai, UGC care, ISSN: 2394-3114.
Ms. Lakshmi G
Apr-2021 Improved survey of heart disease diagnosis and prediction using classification techniques, Annals of the Romanian Society for cell biology.
Ms. C. Senthil Selvi
May-2019 Medical Search Engine Based On Enhanced Best First Search with Vol.6, No.2, Page Nos. 248-250 published by the International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews.
May-219 An Efficient Information Retrieval in MESH (Medical Subject Headings) using fuzzy with Vol.97, No.90, Page Nos. 2561-2571 published by the Journal of theoretical and Applied Information Technology.
Jan-2018 An Electronic Health Record Retrieval System based on Symptoms and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) with Vol.119, No.15, Page Nos. 3397-3405 published by the International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.
Apr-2016 A Review of Enhanced and Secure Ontology Learning Approaches with Vol.4, No.4, Page Nos. 319-326 published by the International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering.
Dr. A. Anuradha
Jul-2019 Social Media Addiction, Culture code and Meditation Effect of Mindfulness: A Structural Equation Modeling approach, Paper_3105, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, ISSN:277-38 78, Volume 8, Issue 2S3 (Scopus Indexed)
Aug-2016 An Empirical Study on Satisfaction level of Employee welfare measures with reference to selected manufacturing companies in Bangalore, PP 31-38, Journal of Applied Research in Engineering and Management sciences, ISBN: 978-0-9895150-6-1.
Nov-2015 Women Entrepreneurship in India – Issues
Jan-2014 An empirical study on personal care products usage purpose among Bangalore Youth Consumers, PP 8 – 16, International academic Research Journal of Business and Management, ISSN: 2227 – 1287, Volume 2, Issue 8.
Sep-2014 Women Empowerment through self-help group – A study with respect to Kanchipuram district, PP 47 – 56, STAR Research Journal (International) of Social science and Management, ISSN:2321-676X. Volume 2, Issue 9.
Dec-2013 The MBA paradox, M. S. Ramaiahya Journal of Management, Journal of Applied Research, ISSN: 2321-7383, Volume 1, Issue 2, PP 35-40

Department of Master of Computer Application

Month & Year Title of the Paper
Ms. S. Nirmala Devi
May-2013 Index based multiple pattern matching algorithm using frequent character count in patterns. (Scopus). International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering. 2277 128X
Dec-2012 A modified dynamic parallel algorithm for sequence alignment in biosequences (Scopus). International Journal of Computer Applications. 0975 – 8887
Jan-2011 A study on feature selection techniques in bio-informatics (Scopus). International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 2156-5570
Dec-2010 A review on the usefulness of data mining techniques in bio informatics. (Scopus). International Journal Of Computer Science, Systems Engineering And Information Technology
Dr. P.V. Kumaraguru
Dec-2019 An information secure attribution model for observing spurious drugs in health care organization. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology
Jan-2018 DNA based cryptography using encryption scheme for data security. Asian Journal of Applied Research
Jul-2018 Analysis of component based computing. International Journal of Engineering & Technology
Oct-2018 Data leakage detection during transmission. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Jul-2017 A study of big data definition, layered architecture and challenges of big data analytics. Indian Journal of forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Jul-2017 An image feature extraction and image representation strategies for the analysis of image processing.
Jan-2013 Model discovery from motor claim process. International Journal of Scientific & Research Publications
Nov-2012 Machine learning approach for process modelling. International Journal of Computer Applications
Jan-2012 Process modelling from insurance. International Journal of Computer Application
Dr. R. Anand
Oct-2015 Prediction of defects in defects reduction - A brief study. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562
Sep-2018 Identifying the priority of the defects in software projects using statistical techniques. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. ISSN: 1314-3395
Jul-2018 Determination of influencing metrics in water fall model. International Journal of Engineering & Technology. 2227-524X
Dr. Elantamilan
Oct-2020 An artificial neural network based IRIS authentication using back propagation. Journal of Green Engineering (JGE). 2245-4586
Apr-2020 An improved IRIS recognition system using artificial neural network. International Journal of Control and Automation. 2005-4297
Mar-2020 An efficient incident recovery based information security model using fuzzy rough sets for green business environment. Journal of Green Engineering (JGE). 2245-4586
Dec-2019 An information secure attribution model for observing spurious drugs in health care organization. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT). 2249-8958
Jun-2017 A hybrid neuro-genetic system for IRIS recognition. Asian Journal of Information Technology. 1682-3915
Sep-2016 Combining artificial neural network with image data partitioning for personal IRIS recognition System’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 0973-4562
May-2015 IRIS recognition system using neural network and image data partitioning techniques. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 1991-8178

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